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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week 12 short exercise

Exercise 1

We had to watch a series of 13 videos on how to do a proper ball bounce. It was altogether 2 hours long. Here is one I found interesting. I believe this was part 10. It's great to know we can add in lighting to make the scene more life like.

Exercise 2

1)  Do you need to be able to draw well to create good 2D animation? Explain your view.

For 2D animation, I do not think the drawing needs to be done well. In 2D, it is hard to see any perspective so it would be easier to not draw it well.

2) Do you need to be able to draw well to create good 3D animation? Explain your view.

For 3D however, I think it is very important because people can associate it with real life objects and we can see it with more perspective and the 3D object or animation can be done with more realism than 2D.

3) What do you think would separate a piece of poor animation from a piece of good animation? In other words, how would you go about deciding if a piece of animation is good or bad?

  I would go about deciding when I see whether the animation imitates that of real life or it is realistic enough to make it believable. If the object is supposed to have mass, it must show squash and stretch and the movement must be constant, not exaggeration at one part and not realistic at another.

4) In 2D animation, you need to be very aware of timing at a frame by frame level, using timing charts and other techniques - but for 3D animation, this is handled using the graph editor, which is more concerned with manipulating rates of change over time.

Does this affect how you approach your animation work? Explain.

  No it does not. I have already learned how to properly use the graph editor to manipulate timing and especially acceleration and deceleration of certain objects.

5) Give a brief critique of Maya as an animation tool. Don't just say Maya makes animation difficult, or easy, or that you need to learn a lot of stuff to use Maya - explain what Maya does well and not so well in terms of creating animation.

 Maya is great at creating animation because we can set key frames when we are happy with the position of animation we placed and setting of key frames is flexible to use. Then the play button is there so that we can review what we had accomplished and able to make the necessary changes to it. It is not that difficult to use because I find it easier and smoother to use.

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