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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ghost Recon Online

Image from

Hello and welcome to my blog. This week, Ubisoft has finally announced the Ghost Recon Online trailer and beta test. I have actually tested this game not once but TWICE! I am happy to know that I partook in this games development even though in a small way. 

It is also free to play so no worries there. What is great about this game is that there are three class to play and each class in different from each other, making other players want to play something else.

Duke Nukeem Forever has finally gone into the gold state which means it will be released soon (around June).  

Other than this, well have to wait for E3 dont we?

Ubisoft May 23 2011

machinima February 16 2011

Assignment: Rocket

So by next week, the assignment for my 3D assignment has to be up. But the lab parts has to be done as well. I learned how to add colour to the polygons to make it look more distinct!

As you can see, it is brick wall; not some rectangle with no colour or texture.To add colours, I clicked on Window > Rendering editors > Hypershade that would open up another window. After that, I clicked on blinn to assign the material to the selected polygon. Instead of colours, I can add textures and I chose this texture from the internet and assigned it.

For the assignment, I had problems in the beginning already.

The one on the left was my unsuccessful one. The lines on the right is more fixed and neater than the left one. I had to redo it and I got far with this.

As you can see, it is smaller but at least, it looks a rocket now. I learned a new tool which is teh lattice tool under Animation. I clicked on Animation > Create Deformers > Lattice then right clicked on lattice point. This allowed me to bend and extend the vertex points of the ship. The rest were simple which were clicking on vertex or face then scaling or moving them.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Star wars and Halo: Reach

Hello once again, gamer enthusiasts. Sorry about all the 3D posts. I am doing school work on it and I am enjoying it. But I will never forget about my special interest: Games.

It has been a very dull month. No new announcements made; Will have to wait E3 which is from the 7th to the 9th June. 

My highly anticipated game of star wars: the old republic has released my favorite class video: The Sith Inquisitor. Check it below and the always funny videos that come after. As always, enjoy.

My account – TheDarthPancakes May 14 2011 

TRIFLETOX  December 18 2010

Check out these other funny related videos here, here and here too!

Week 4 lab 1 (E-learning)

  • Does multi-tasking give you a real or false sense of having accomplished something?
I think multi-tasking gives us a false sense of accomplisement. It distracts us from our primary objective then we actually never learn anything. But I have to disagree to myself (wait . . . what?). Multi-tasking is a part of the youth's daily basis; the need to know and find out something as well as accomplishing something. Even, I multitask; reading manga, watching anime, loading videos on youtube, doing assginments.

  • Is learning 3D and design different from learning programming, or is all learning the same?Why?
Learning 3D is WAAAAY different from programming. I ,for one ,find it more fun to do 3D. Programming involves memerising codes and re-using it by taking out or putting in functions; some of which I quite do not understand.

  •  The article states that “Learning is actually a very complex operation for an individual”. Do you agree with this? Do you feel that you approach your learning in the best way – if yes, how, and if no, how can you change your work style?
Yes and No. Yes, because our minds drift easily from subject to subject when we are learning something that is not to out interest. No, because we waste precious time instead of making good use of it, resulting in last minute work.

  • What are your thoughts about the last paragraph in the extract?
Communication is part of life. Multi-tasking may or may not improve our communication skills. It is whether we choose and control our daily work life that can change it.

  • Should your lecturers also focus on your work attitude, or just leave you to sink or swim on your own? Why?
 I think (And I cannot believe I am saying this) that lecturers should intervene as it builds up more discipline in our work that our weak drift-ful minds cannot undertake.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 3 Lab 2

Exercise 1

So this week I had to create a track. So the first step is to simply draw and outline of the front view of the track.

Now, instead of revolving it like the vase, the tutorial said to extrude it a bit on the z-axis. So I did.

Once extruded, I set the Translate z to 45 to make it so that it makes multiple copies of the above shape. Pivot x, y and z were all set to 0.

After this, it is to create some kind of way to connect the other tracks. It is to extrude the bottom two surfaces and extend it out.

 But there is room for improvement to make it look better.

The extruded part looks better with a bevel of 0.5 that was done to the sides. Now to make a proper race track, with Bends!

The race track is now done.

I am exposed more and more to maya's software and am still unsure of most of it. This week, I used more of extrusion, the difference between surfaces and polygons (since I can't click on face or vertex) and the edge loop tool.

There is one thing I was not sure of during the tutorial. The last few steps right at the end.
  1. On the main menus, choose Window > Outliner. 
  2. In the Outliner, select bend1Handle.
  3. Hold down the MMB and drag bend1Handle over Track_Profile1.
What is MMB? Some instructions are still unclear but I had fun creating this track.

Exercise 2

The next exercise is to create a very old washboard used to wash clothes. 

First, create a rectangle with 17 subdivisions to create the glass of the washboard. After that, I clicked edge to bevel the 17 edges out. It had to be done twice.

Then, I learned of the new tool. Modify > Align tool. It became very useful as we want it to be perfect to fit the shape. I fitted the top stringers and bottom stringers.

Next is to create the legs. Again, the align tool became very useful here.

Finally. the washboard is done.

I learned the usefulness of the ALIGN tool as it perfectly aligns the shapes together. I used to use the move tool to move it where I want but the align tool is better.

The last few instructions is still confusing to me. What is MMB?

Assignment IN3D

For the rat race, I was supposed to do a toy to be featured in the rat race. So I decided to use a rocket ship from the animation, Jimmy Neutron. Here are the pictures of the ship as well as my sketches of the ship (side, front and back).

Here are the pictures I drew. They are not wireframe ones as I do not know how to do that so I just drew them.


My story for the rat race would be that during the race, the mouse trap car flies off the track but the rocket ship comes out of nowhere and saves the mouse, bringing him back to the track safely.

I am not sure whether this story is acceptable so please comment and let me know (the teacher, not you audience).


I think for the shapes like the body of the shape, I would choose face or vertex and extrude the front and the back, pushing the front and pulling the back. The wings; I would extrude and move the tip of the triangle to a certain direction like a shark's fin. Definitely will mesh > Booleans > Difference to make the nose of the ship. May bevel the wings.

This is my ship so far but I have difficulties combining the shapes and differencing the nose of the ship. The error for differencing is that "Must have exactly two polygons selected" but I did select two polygons. Please help! (Problem solved. I pressed for surfaces instead of polygons *face-palm* )

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Week 3 Lab 1

Exercise 1

So this here is a bucket I created during Lab 1. The handle is not what it looks like because I tried doing it my own way as well as remembering how to construct it. This lesson made use of a lot of extrusion and one new  thing which is the drawing of a line on an image then revolve the line to form a shape like the bucket. Sometimes, the tutorial is hard to follow as there are certain instructions that are un-clear. I try going to to find out more but it is very vexing to do so.

 Exercise 2

 Firstly, I took a screen shot of the vase for the exercise. Then in maya, I clicked view > Image plane > Import Image and placed it in the front view where I could draw the outline of the vase.

I then carefully sketched the edges using EP curve tool. Once that was done, I clicked on Surfaces > Revolve to revolve the outline into a shape.

And thus the vase is born! (It does not end)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My 2nd week of 3D

Week 2 Lab 1(E-learning)

 Exercise 1.

I watched the video on Blocks modelling to see how to bevel certain shapes. The exercise required me to come up with 5 shapes. The last shape which was the triangle with the semi cricle cut underneath was the hardest. I had to seek help from a classmate to do it.

Exercise 2.

This was the most fun as this exercise allowed me to create a toy vehicle. Creating something out of shapes is truly fun.

Week 2 Lab 2

Exercise 1

This exercise was quite interesting as it exposed me to more functions within maya. I followed the tutorial given to draw up this card board box but some instructions were not clear (I think I missed quite a few, especially the last few which I did not understand). I find following a video better so I know where to click.

As for exercise 2, the instructions for extracting a certain flap to make it look dangling was not clear so I could not do it.

 Exercise 2

I asked my friend for advice and he showed me how to do it.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gears of War 3

Hello once again audience. Sorry, I am using the beginning sentence of a famous youtuber by the name of Toby turner who is a very funny guy and uses this opening phrase to address the viewers. 

Anyway, I played the Gears of war 3 beta and it is awesome. It is face paced so those slow players or casual gamers may find themselves dying a lot faster than I do. It is quite bloody which what makes this game stand out. It is also the unique signature of this game as it is the bloodiest but is the most fun of a third person shooter.

The game was set to come out last month but it is pushed back all the way till September 20th so all you die-hard fans will have to wait (especially me!). So here is this weeks video of Gears of War. Enjoy!

IGNentertainment June 15 2010

TobyGames April 18 2011