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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week 11 Animation time!

Its week 11 of IN3D and we finally learn how to animate things properly!

Exercise 1

Here is the first few lessons we learned:

First, we have to set key frames for the animation. To press S is to save a key frame. The ball is at the edge of the table and I want to bounce it to the other side. The first key frame should be at frame 1.

The next position the ball should be is in the air when the ball bounces of the table. This is the second key frame.

The third key frame should be set when the ball touches the table and bounce off it again.

The fourth shows the ball bouncing off again, only to be hit by a tennis player in real life.

To make  the ball more smoothly and to make it look more realistic, I open Window > Animation Editor > Graph editor. Then I clicked only translate y to show the bounce of the ball. I click on the vertices to elevate it and change it to make it look more linear.

Then the final step is to save the animation by clicking on any key frame and clicking Playblast to play it and save it.

Unfortunately, my computer has a problem and is unable to save the animation. Do not know why.

 Exercise 2

If you look at all this in continuous motion, you can see the ball bouncing off the ground and bouncing a few more times before it comes to a halt. This is how it should it look like.

Well, that ends another week of 3D!

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