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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Week 10 Animation Principles

 Exercise 1

This is the video which show cases some footage of actions that probably has the 12 principles of animation in it.

  1. Squat down, jump as high as you can go, then land on the ground (it’s better if the person has long hair)
  2. Stand some distance away, run towards camera, then come to a sudden stop just in front of the camera (with your whole body still in frame)
  3. Repeat actions 1 and 2, but this time with a bag hanging from your shoulder
  4. Do a robot dance or chicken dance J
  5. Pretend to get really really really (!) angry, then pretend to punch your friend standing in front of you
  6. Drop a ball and film it bouncing a few times
  7. Throw a ball up (not too high), and film it as it goes up and down
  8. Stand with a partner about 3 metres apart and throw a ball to each other a few times
  9. Repeat the ball throwing action, but this time try to surprise your partner by pretending to throw the ball a few times before you actually do!
  10. Repeat the ball throwing action, but this time make it bounce once on the ground before it is caught

Exercise 2

- The 12 Principles of animation: 

Squash and stretch
Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose
Follow Through and Overlapping Action
Slow In and Slow Out
Secondary Action
Solid Drawing (same or different as Weight)

  Explanation of Video and How Principles relate

1. Squat down, jump as high as you can go, then land on the ground (it’s better if the person has long hair)

Explanation: I guess this has two principles; Squash and Stretch and Follow through and Overlapping action. Squash and Stretch to give mass and weight to the object or person. Follow through and Overlapping as if we had done it with a person with long hair, the hair will fall down a few seconds later than the person.

2. Stand some distance away, run towards camera, then come to a sudden stop just in front of the camera (with your whole body still in frame)

Explanation: The Principle here is Anticipation as all of a sudden, the person just stops in front of the camera because people would anticipate the person to smash into the camera or to run past the camera.

3. Repeat actions 1 and 2, but this time with a bag hanging from your shoulder 

Explanation: The principle here would be Follow through and Overlapping action. This principle states that some parts of the person does not keep up with the rest of the body. For example in this video, the bag follows suit after the person lands on his feet.

4. Do a robot dance or chicken dance

Explanation: I think this part is Staging as it clearly shows the exact action it is telling us and that is dancing.

5. Pretend to get really really really (!) angry, then pretend to punch your friend standing in front of you

Explanation: This should have Secondary action. I say this because I see the angry expression on the face as primary action while the arm swinging and punching the person's face will be secondary.

6. Drop a ball and film it bouncing a few times

Explanation: This should fall under the category of Squash and Stretch. This principle gives the illusion of weight and volume to the ball.

7. Throw a ball up (not too high), and film it as it goes up and down

Explanation: This should be the same as no. 6 as it features a ball bouncing up and down.

8. Stand with a partner about 3 metres apart and throw a ball to each other a few times

Explanation: It has a bit of Staging as well as Squash and Stretch as the action clearly shows the passing of the ball and the ball is made to believe it has weight and mass.

9. Repeat the ball throwing action, but this time try to surprise your partner by pretending to throw the ball a few times before you actually do!

Explanation: This should also be Anticipation because although it is a bit too fast, We are anticipating when the ball will really be thrown at the other person.

10. Repeat the ball throwing action, but this time make it bounce once on the ground before it is caught

Explanation: The same as no.8 I believe.

Exercise 3

I do not know whether this clip is counted as pointing out 6 out of 12 principles of animation so here goes .  . .

  1. All the characters in the animation has Appeal as it tells us their character; whether be it heroic or villainous.
  2. Also, all the characters has Squash and Stretch as it gives us the illusion that the characters has mass, weight and volume as they move about.
  3. Arc is used everywhere to express a human's natural proportions and turns.
  4. Follow through and Overlapping action is used because their cloaks turn a few seconds later as they swivel around like at 1:54 where the character's cloak follows through the blast of the explosion
  5. 00:53 - 01:10 - Anticipation because when the female character says she sensed something and the horned character goes to the glass to see what it might be. This anticipates us for the sith's arrival.
  6. 01:50 - 02:00 - Slow-In and Slow-out because it is to show what that particular character can do as he walks slowly towards the enemy.
  7. 02:36 - 02:46 - Secondary action because the primary action was that the walking and the secondary was the arm gestures and the drawing of their weapons.
  8. 04:50 - 05:05 - Timing because when the horned character died, the timing was perfect to show the female's character's reaction.

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