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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gears of War 3

Hello once again audience. Sorry, I am using the beginning sentence of a famous youtuber by the name of Toby turner who is a very funny guy and uses this opening phrase to address the viewers. 

Anyway, I played the Gears of war 3 beta and it is awesome. It is face paced so those slow players or casual gamers may find themselves dying a lot faster than I do. It is quite bloody which what makes this game stand out. It is also the unique signature of this game as it is the bloodiest but is the most fun of a third person shooter.

The game was set to come out last month but it is pushed back all the way till September 20th so all you die-hard fans will have to wait (especially me!). So here is this weeks video of Gears of War. Enjoy!

IGNentertainment June 15 2010

TobyGames April 18 2011

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