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Monday, April 25, 2011

My 1st 3D design

Exercise 2

This is my model of a penguin which also looks like a chicken. So I call my work the "Pen-ken" or the "Chick-guin". 

I created this supposedly robot by using maya. Then, I pieced together all kinds of shapes like rectangles, cylinders, circles; stretch them to the shape I want and place it together to form the above picture. I found quite simple to do it and it was fun to create a "robot" using our imagination and creativity of common shapes. I created this because the stereotype of robots is rectangle body, oval head and using the same shapes for the hands and legs. So I created an animal instead to see how it would go about and thus, this was born.

 Exercise 3

 The shape of prisons are usually wide and big to show prisoners that they are not the only ones in there. This invokes a bit of fear in the prisoners.

The prisons also consists of straight lines which also imposes strict and rigid. Prisons have sharp angles and proper shapes to yet impose strictness.

Toontown's shapes are curvy and made up of improper shapes to show a sense of relaxation and creativity for the children to enjoy. 

The building's size is small so it reflects a 'welcome' kind of aura. It does not give a sense of awe.

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