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Monday, January 17, 2011

Star wars (Again)

End of the school term is approaching (about 5 more weeks!). And this year, there are so many games coming out and announced. So many games, so little time. 

There are so many great games that I am looking out for! Many of these include Dead Space 2, Dragon age 2 (as I said in my last blog post), Gears of war 3 and so much more. Is anyone interested in Mass Effect 3? I hear it is a great RPG (Role playing game) but Dragon Age is the one for me.

I hear that Star wars: The old republic is coming out in April (hopefully) and I really cannot wait. Yes, I am a big star wars fan (mainly of the games and the great storyline).

I am doing a certain assignment in my course (Game and Entertainment Technology) and it has me doing a Game Design Document. I have to create a game and the game that inspired to do a First person shooter is Star wars: Republic Commando. See the star wars video and make sure turn up the volume to hear their speech.

If anyone reads this by 19th of January, I will be at TPCG (Temasek Poly Cyber Games) this Wednesday (19th) to help out. Do drop by and look at the match.

I just found this awesome video of a game (below) that is coming out this year and I must share it with all of you. Do check it out (please)!

Games December 13 2010

machinima November 6 2010

linkmister August 13 2007

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