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Monday, January 3, 2011

Red Dead Redemption

First off, I would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year! This year (okay last year) was a great year not just for me but for the games as well. 2010 games blew us all away with sequels and prequels. This year will be even more exciting with more exciting and cool just waiting to be released.

To celebrate 2010, the games were remembered as the year of the zombies. Some said it was the year of the HORSES (in some funny video game video on YouTube). I thought it was a bit of both. For zombies, there were many games that involved and indirectly involved zombies. There was Left 4 dead 2, Dead rising 2 and Call of Duty: Black ops with the mode called, you guessed it, Zombies. I would have to say a bit of both for the game that won GAME OF THE YEAR award: Red Dead Redemption.

As you know, red dead is like grand theft auto; free roaming, no rules, doing what you want and when you want. It takes place in the old west so it has many horses. They came out with the expansion: Undead Nightmare and that had zombies as well as undead horses.

So sit back and enjoy some montages of Red Dead Redemption!

machinimarespawn December 11 2010

machinima September 26 2010

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